Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Muslims Against The Rest Of The World

Muslims are often accused of spreading Islam by sword, a myth that has been denied countless times by historians. The Muslims had the first interactions with Romans after some muslim missionaries were killed at the border town of Arabia under the influence of Romans. The Indian invasion was a result of a group of muslim families who were looted and kidnapped by the pirates under the protection of the Raja of Sindh. The invasion of Spain occured as a result of a rescue mission when the daughter of a high official of Spanish govrenment was raped by the king and they appealed to muslim to help them get the justice. There were no forces sent to Indonesia(the largest muslims populated country) and Malaysia yet the number of non-violent conversion speaks for itself. Muslims ruled in India for over 1000 years yet the number of muslims in the sub-continent is still less than 50% of Hindus. The Spain was ruled by muslim for several hundred years and yet there is a very small minority of muslims at present. If Islam had spread by sword, half of world would have already turned muslim. Even there are large number of Christian Arabs even today living in through out the middle east. How come they still follow Christanity after living under muslims for 1400 years?

Any killing done to spread anarchy and chaos is evil and wrong. Quran presents the same idea in the following verse:

if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. (Chapter 5 Al-Maeda:32)

So if a person, whether believer or not, kills an innocent person, he is clearly the aggressor and criminal should be punished and dealt with accordingly.

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